Saturday 17 November 2012


nineteen!! 19 <3
 Ho la!! :) AM nineteen years old and at a phase which i would like to call the "confused phase".
The reason being..till the age of eighteen you are in your teenage--yes all those teenage dreams,all stupid childish acts.. no one really tells you anything... but once your 19... ohhh suddenly everything changes.. you kinda develop.. your confused as to what do you refer yourself to basically.. am i a girl.. or a lady ? what are the things that iam as a 19 year old supposed to think about?? what are my future plans? do i like Justin bieber or brad Pitt.. ?! (personally BRAD :D ummm i think)

do i listen to Taylor and Selena's version of love? or opt for Rhianna and beyonce?! while shopping do i buy a cute flower printed top or a hot woman like top!! do i go to the pub or hang around outside the pub?! :P

what do i want a cute lil love story?? or a mature adult one?? as a girl/lady of 19 there are so many things people expect out of you... but what is it that you want ? everyone will be the first to jump in and advice... but nothing really helps.....
                                            because YOU are in the confused phase.!!
                                            so many things all happening at once..!

 so this is for all those 19 year olds who are waiting for things to change and become more confident! i hope things change soon...

*NaUghtY and NicE N*

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