Saturday 24 November 2012

My take on love...

Bollywood movies paint a perfect picture of love. Boy meets girl, both fall in love, few heartaches in between, patch ups and voila! Happily ever after. Bitter-sweet.
Back to reality.
Love- tender, passionate affection (as defined by my online dictionary). But what is my definition of love?..... Ummm......well......*confused*.
So i've been in two relationships till date. First, when i was 15 and second, when i was 17. The second one went on for a year. But I must  admit that i liked the first one better :P
Before you'll make opinions let me be clear- i'm no female version of a cassanova. I like being single. It's fun and like a "no issues attached" phase. Anyway back to the point. So I was this 15 year old gawky teenager who went for classes during summer hols for the then ultimate exam of our lives- 10th board exam. Gawky teenager meets a "hot guy" in class (I feel like jumping off from somewhere now. How the f did i find him hot?!?! He looks soo freakin yuck at present). "Hot guy" asks my "partner" about me. Then ultimately "hot guy" asks me out and "hot guy" and "gawky girl" are together. Hurrah!
Ah! First love! It was innocent and fun (on my part). I shared my first kiss with him. (puke). First hug (was he trying to choke me O_o?). Then tada! BREAK-UP! (Reason? I guess he figured out he is gay). No no, i'm not anti-love. I admit I liked that relationship. It was fun like I mentioned. And I forgive him for dropping the break up bomb (honestly, I still don't know why it ended). Then second one. (again what was I thinking?). But this time I dropped the break up bomb. Second one was too into himself. I would think to myself at times "is he really my bf? My guy friends know more about me than him!" . So I got tired and dropped the bomb on him. He  was heart broken. Bitches about me to my friends. Blah blah... And the usual break up aftershocks.
So what is love for me? Here it goes.........
Love for me isn't about my guy holding hands to show the world that he loves me. Love for me is when he looks at me with understanding. Knowing what i'm thinking at that moment ( no ,I don't want a vampire bf who can read minds...geez).
Love for me isn't about changing myelf to suit my guy's needs. Love for me is when my guy says- don't do that! I like the way it is!
Love for me isn't when he says "it's better we keep this relationship a secret". Love for me is when he says, "oh look! That's my girl!"
Love for me isn't keeping pet names or cheezy "I can die for you" dialogues. Love for me is "I'll live for you and live with you forever girl". Love for me is when he calls me up and says "Bitch I love you! And i'm missing you" not "oh baby, i can't live without you here".
Love is when he treats me like a buddy and loves me like no other guy can. Love for me is when he waits at my gate till i reach home and smiles at me when i look back. Love is when he says "I trust you" not when he says "where were you!!?". Love for me is in simple things. Not in gifts or actions.
Love for me is sweet nothings. Love is....well.... Just love :) <3

-Vivacious V

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