Thursday, 1 August 2013


Don't yell back! don't argue! just keep quiet and maintain your "dignity"!
don't oppose what if he DOES something to you ?
what if he tries to seek vengeance? what if he throws acid on your face? what if he hauls slang at you?
your an educated girl... would you like that kind of behaviour?
so why all this on my mind?
yesterday I had this quarrel with a watchman.. who just starts yelling at the top of his voice... because we were parking at the "wrong" place..
while I yelled back at him telling him that he has allowed three other bikes to park.. but is just raising an objection on seeing us park!
I hate this brash behaviour I hate it when people yell at each other.. but I was forced to act that way... you cant behave as an ass and try to show your the superior one!
I was so angry!!! why do some men behave this way??
taking the liberty to push women.. stare at them.. let your hand wander as soon as you see a girl who is young small and seems harmless?
is this what the world has come out to be?
the cyber crimes against women? sending indecent pictures.. throwing acid on women just cz she turned you down or cz she revolted against your behaviour?!!
is this how some Indian men are ?
as I told my teacher about this.. she "advised" me to "keep quiet" and just "ignore".
it just got me thinking?
is this how we women are supposed to behave?
are we supposed to just listen ? bow our heads and just take all the humiliation?
or is it me? was it my mistake? did I over-react or get hyper ?
I read this article about acid attack victims and the laws and provisions made?
but is it making a difference?

the main purpose of me writing this article is to urge everyone out there!!!
DON'T IGNORE! raise your voice! don't give them the power... they are not supposed to behave this way.
if you see something wrong happening don't be mere spectators!! get up and help the person a girl a woman a housewife a mother... anyone...
because it could be you too!!

NauGHty N

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

rich? or happy?

everyone today is so busy.... even kids are so busy!!!
they aren't even out of their mommies womb and everyone starts deciding as to what the baby would be in future.. which nursery,school the infant would go to!! what career he/she should choose...
everyone is in a hurry!!
everyone wants the best and wants to the best in life... but wait and think.. all this running around.... all this competition.... why are you doing this?
is it for a safe future? for your kids or your future family? why?
do you want to be rich or happy??

i was bored and normally when iam bored i just google search stuff and read about things... or news anything.. so i typed one day...
i typed : i want to be... and i paused... as usual google came up with a series of options to complete my sentence...
the first option that came up was... "i want to be rich"
the second option.. "i want to be happy"
my mind was in a dilemma... should i go with rich? or should i go with happy?
i still haven't really been able to figure out that part...
i would love to be happy and rich....
but does that fairytale stage even exist?
i haven't really come across anyone who says that they are rich& happy.. or content with their lives... all want better things in life.. if you have a two bedroom house.. you want three bedrooms... or a bunglow.. !!
but does all of this really matter??
would you really be happy if you had a huge bunglow.. but no one except you to stay ? no friends to come over?
or get married to someone who is so focused on their job that they hardly give you time.. is all this struggle, competition worth it?
its very difficult to strike a balance between the two.. very rarely people get that right..
it actually depends on each one of us... do we want to be happy? or rich? or perhaps both?

- NauGHtY N

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

My Last Day As A Teenager

Midnight, 27th of February 2013. I am a full twenty four hours away from turning 20. Not everyone makes a big deal of turning a year older. 20 isn’t even considered such a major landmark. More importance is given to turning 18 and 21 (25 must also be included as a landmark in this sate as it marks the legal age for alcohol consumption). But, my aunt had remarked casually a few days ago, “So! Last few days as a teenager huh? Have you accomplished anything mad or bad? Anything worthy of the title of ‘teenage recklessness’?” and that got me thinking.
            Sure, I might not win any awards for ‘Model Daughter’ or ‘Model Friend’ in these nine years, but things could have been much worse. I have not yet tasted any psychosis-inducing drugs or hallucinogens. I have never done any experimentation with my sexual orientation. I have never touched tobacco. I have not yet had the good (or is it bad?) fortune to set foot into a lounge or bar. My relationships with boys (barring my boyfriend of course!) are strictly platonic. I have never suffered from any eating disorders (people who know me well and are reading this will laugh at the mere suggestion. Everyone knows that food and I are in a long term monogamous relationship!) So by “normal” parameters, I’ve had an excessively boring teenage with no thrills whatsoever.
            Sleep is evading me now on the eve of my birthday, so I’m just casting my mind back over the years, trying to think how things were different when I was thirteen.
            Turns out, so much was different. I wasn’t taller than most of the boys I knew. My hair was never allowed to grow beyond my ears. I had dental plates; followed by braces. I barely listened to any English music. Makeup was prohibited. I had a different set of friends. I used to watch Cartoon Network.
            Look at the scenario now. I’m an Amazon, towering over most family members and acquaintances. I grew my hair for a long time but now it’s back to a short style again. My long hard struggle with my teeth is finally behind me. English music makes up a substantial portion of my playlist. I won’t be caught dead without my signature kohl. So many friends have come and gone over the years. Cartoon Network is a piece of shit these days. I’d surrender my brand new SKDY headphones to the person who showed me proof that that miserable excuse of a children’s channel is still being watched.
            But then again, as it turns out, some things have remained the same. I wanted to be a vet then; I’m a second year student of veterinary science now. I used to love watching InuYasha then; I’m addicted to Bleach now. Books have been my constant companion. My best friend then is also my best friend now and I know we’ll be best friends forever. I was a teacher’s pet then and (sigh) I am a teacher’s pet now. I used to be an emotional wreck then; and even though I’ve managed to get some semblance of control on the waterworks now, I’m still a pretty emotional person.
            Alas, my teenage life has been devoid of anything ‘interesting’, but there have been so many moments that will make it memorable. My last year of school. My two years of junior college. Making new friends. Drawing up lists with friends- of all the boys that we thought were ‘hot’; both real and not-so-real. Academic and extracurricular achievements. The births of so many new cousin brothers and (not so many!) sisters. The people (and animals too!) that enriched my life. All the times I’ve bunked classes and had mad escapades with my friends. All the times that I have sat for class, not paid any attention and made fun of the teachers with my other back-bencher friends. Moments to be forever treasured- sleepovers, camps, simple treats, picnics, hanging out with friends. The sentimental fool that I am, I even preserve all the times I would chat in class with my friends, because whenever I re read them, that rush of nostalgia is unparalleled.
            I’m the kind of person who deliberates on the past, not the future. I’m a clinger, and I like my shell. I don’t think that I have the courage to spread my wings unless someone gives me a push. That’s why I’ve been taking a stroll down memory lane. The only thing that reassures me is despite the fact that I’m supposed to be a responsible adult now, I still laugh my guts out at internet trolls and memes, anime boys still make me go weak in the knees, I’ll always be tempted to have a good cry when things aren’t going my way and I can still be the silliest of sillies with my friends around me.
            Less than 24 hours and I’m gonna be 20 years old. I suppose maybe I could go kiss a girl. Or maybe I could get sloshed. Then again, maybe not. But, reassuringly, I’ll always be the same ole me. Because, like they say, growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!

~Inquisitive I

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

this girl is on fire!

 your a girl.... and your on fire... you rule the world with your smile.... you could break anyone with just one word... you have the power to turn things your way... your a woman.... you help people even when they come to your rescue later... you can be a bitch you can be sweet.... your on FIRE...... you are a sister... a mother... a loving girlfriend/wife....your a friend... your an enemy.....
recently i watched this video.. "this girl is on fire" by Alicia keys... i just loved the video... i kept watching it over and over again...
its beautiful... its true....
it starts with how the woman manages her house her kids her husband her family... the food... keeping everything clean and tidy.. making sure everything is right...
so it took me back to those stories written on women... its amazing... so many roles... and how she sometimes loses her own identity compromising and tending to others needs... but.. she comes back... she always does.. she tells others where she belongs... she shuts them up she tells them shes worth it... the current status of women being treated ill or not safe it doesn't matter much because she knows shes strong... she doesn't realise it always.... but she is she is a girl.. a woman...
its amazing being a woman.... don't lose your identity.. be strong and be proud... !!
you are one of a kind.. you take care of your little kids.. you cook for your brothers when the maid doesnt arrive teach yur sister all about fashion... you act serious when you explain a point.. and the next moment pose funnily in front of the mirror or camera... that's you!! your unique.. your on fire...

Oh, she got both feet on the ground
And she's burning it down
Oh, she got her head in the clouds
And she's not backing down

dont back down.. rise high ;)

~ NauGHty n Nice *

Saturday, 19 January 2013

A Neurotic Mutt's Boogeyman... Who would've thought of it?

Almost everyone I get acquainted with learns one thing very rapidly about me. I am the resigned owner of a furry banshee, who detests the entire human race, barring a few exceptions.
Her name is Nemo, she’s a 10 year old Spitz and she’s the epitome of the saying “Appearances are deceptive”. To look at, she’s nothing more than your average cute-n-cuddly toy dog but once you get within hearing range, your opinion changes quickly.
Nemo is one of those ‘one-man’ dogs. My father is her ‘only one’, her “person”. The hierarchy crumbles pretty quickly post that. She barely tolerates other family members, and hates all other humans.
Her first instinct on seeing a new face is to charge at full speed and then rear up on her hind legs against the new person. Not especially intimidating, since she only reaches your knee even at her full, vertical height, but there are those cyanophobes who freeze or panic when they see just about any kind of dog coming at them.
Another possible reaction of hers is to sniff a person’s feet vigorously and then bark the place down. As you can tell, house guests aren’t entirely too happy with her and she’s always confined to my parents’ bedroom whenever people come over. But she’s not happy with that arrangement either. She claws at the bedroom door making a din equivalent to rebels with a battering ram, tearing down a castle’s ramifications. It’s not easy owning an anti social mutt; let me tell you that now.
Other people such as the driver, maid servant, milk man, newspaper delivery boy are met with furious volleys of barks loud enough to resurrect the dead. It’s a shame is what it is, because she could have been an extremely popular dog with people because of her looks. She just chooses to throw it all away with her defiant attitude.
Communication with other members of the canine species has been extremely limited for madam. She doesn’t know what to make of other dogs.
But, at the heart of it all, Nemo is just a coward and a bully. That’s why she appears extra aggressive and ferocious. It is to hide her own insecurities. It actually doesn’t take much to frighten her. A bucket falling over. The clatter of steel utensils in the kitchen. Slight shifting of a dustbin. Fireworks. Brass bands.
Well, many people own pets that scare easily. But yesterday, I came up with a hypothesis that summarized Nemo’s biggest fear, and then it just made me ROFL.
See… Nemo was once bitten by another dog when she was a puppy. Since then, she actively avoids others of her own species and we ourselves don’t let her get too close to any other dogs. Being the neurotic specimen that she is, who knows what she’d do? She’s utterly unpredictable.
Her only connection to all other animals are the scents that my family and I carry on our clothes or hands after we meet another dog. Whenever we get back home in the evening, she sniffs us from top to bottom and we oblige her by telling the name of the dog.
Now I know that dogs have pretty short term memory, but then I like to think that Nemo associates each dog with their own scent and forms a picture of them in her little doggie brain. She may not have seen my other canine friends first hand but maybe she knows who I’m talking about when she sniffs me and I say “Guess what Nemo? I saw Crusty again today!” or “Ooh Nemo! Mishka smell!” or “Patches smell”. Yup, that’s the cue word that my mom and I use. “Smell”.
Now, the problem arises with puppies. Not all puppies have names. Especially if they are road side mongrels. I don’t always stop to pet every dog I see, but I sure as hell stop to pet every damn puppy. Who can ignore a litter of chubby, fluffy puppies? Anyway, whenever I get home and Nemo does her customary ‘sniff-over’ I say, “Look Nemo! Puppy smell!”
Poor Nemo must be thinking that ‘Puppy’ is the name of yet another dog. And in her head she must be thinking What strange creature is this? Smells like four to five of my kind at once! And every time this one comes home the smell changes! How can the smell of the same animal change?
She visibly feels afraid if you say “puppy”. In her skewed mind’s eye, maybe ‘puppy’ is a huge fire breathing demon with contradictory smells of a thousand different dogs which is out for her blood.
That explains yesterday. My mom had taken her out for her customary post lunch poo-n-pee and spied a litter of puppies in the storm drain. She said, “Look Nemo! Puppy!” and this dog’s first reaction was to tuck her tail between her legs and dart away from the place as if my mother had proclaimed “Look Nemo! A mad axe murderer!”
Nemo is a sociopath. Indisputably. But the funniest and most endearing thing is to think that this terror fears chubby fur balls. Now that, is irony.
-  ~ Inquisitive I

Friday, 4 January 2013

The Power Of A Song

They say that change is the only constant in life. You get older, you change, your preferences change, people come and people go. It would be so nice if every change was a clean *swish* wipe of a slate and a new beginning would be really a “new beginning”. But, as everyone knows, that is not the case. Some aspects of life change, while some remain painfully the same.
Music! The universal, eternal language! The ultimate comfort. A constant companion for most people, myself included. Like everything else in life, no one goes through life’s journey with the exact same taste in music. People devote years to a single genre and suddenly one day, the attraction for that kind of music is just gone. Much later in the future, however, strains of a familiar song bring back memories of the past, both dreadful and wonderful.
Why must music be such a trigger? It is said that music can be healing. But the opposite is also true isn’t it? Music can also be devastating. A damaged person, walking on the path of recovery, can be pulled down the black hole again because of this trigger. Ask me. I know.
I once knew a guy. Let’s call him ‘X’. X told me to listen to Breaking Benjamin. I got hooked on to Without You, Diary of Jane and I Will Not Bow. X and I became friends. And then came turmoil. X dated Y, while secretly crushing on Z. He dumped Y to date Q while still crushing on Z. Z went on to date someone else. Things ended badly between X and Q. X wanted Z. Z did not want X. X promised to kill himself and then X became a cradle snatcher. The friend I once thought I knew disappeared beneath oodles of sleaze and a false exterior. I had seen him without his mask of innocence and I didn’t care for it. Breaking Benjamin was swept aside by Train and Daughtry.
Today I was listening to music and the miracle known as the “shuffle button” took me down memory lane as the all-too-familiar lines of Without You started playing.
Searched for the answers I knew all along
I lost myself
We all fall down
Never the wiser of what I’ve become
Alone I stand
A broken man
Without meaning to, my thoughts drifted to X, more popularly known nowadays as “The Jackass”. I haven’t heard from him in almost two years. I have nothing but pure simmering hatred for him coursing for him in my veins. I had tried to forget him and get on with my life. I thought I had succeeded until Breaking Benjamin proved me otherwise. Life seemed so unfair! Who was he? What had he thought of himself, that he could just waltz into my life, turn it upside down for me and my closest friends and then waltz out just as coolly? And despite all my attempts to bury the poison, all it took to drag the wound to the surface was just a song. Just. One. Song. The hatred, renewed. The hurt felt afresh. The betrayal stinging just as much as it did two years back. I never thought only a song would make me feel this way. It shows that I still have a long road ahead to recovery. When do I know that I have recovered? The day that I can finally utter the last words of the same song:
I forgive you, forget you, the end.

~Inquisitive I